Cystitis in men: what are the main symptoms and what to do to treat it if you find out you have it

Dear reader,

although this is an uncommon infection in men, you may also experience some symptoms of cystitis. Therefore, if you have decided to open this article, chances are that you want to clarify your doubts and understand how to act in time.

Well, know that you are in the right place.

Here we will look at what is meant by male cystitis, what are the causes and symptoms, and how to combat it.

Happy reading. 😊

Male cystitis: causes, symptoms and remedies

What are the symptoms of cystitis in men?

Although we always talk about cystitis for women, men can also suffer from it, albeit with a lower incidence.

Known as a bladder infection, cystitis can manifest itself through several symptoms, the most common of which include:

👉🏻un frequent need to urinate, even if one has just done so;
👉🏻formicolio or burning during urination;
👉🏻minzione frequent, with small amounts of urine leaking out;
👉🏻difficoltà to urinate.

In severe cases, some people experience blood in the urine, cloudy and foul-smelling urine, pelvic discomfort, fatigue, and fever.

In short, not the best I would say.

Read also: Yes, stress can also cause cystitis. Here’s why (and how to fix it)

Cystitis in men: the causes

As I told you earlier, men generally do not run a very high risk of developing cystitis.

The reason?

Let’s say it’s largely due to the anatomy of the male reproductive system: in fact, you should know that the female anus and urethra are located closer together, providing more opportunities for bacteria to enter the urethra. The male urethra is not only farther from the anus, but also longer, which means that bacteria entering the urethra must travel more distance to reach the bladder.

This does not detract from the fact that some people develop this type of infection, and there can be many causes, including:

  • Unprotected sexual activity;
  • Use of urinary catheters;
  • Enlarged prostate;
  • Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV or diabetes;
  • Retaining urine for long periods of time;
  • Bladder stones.

Treatment and prevention for male cystitis

If you experience symptoms of cystitis, the first thing to do is to see your primary care physician.

That said, let’s say that the standard treatment for cystitis is antibiotics, whereas if it were to be prostatitis, a longer course of antibiotics and painkillers would be used. A kidney infection, on the other hand, may require hospital treatment.

However, when it comes to cystitis, medications are not always the solution, and now I’ll explain why.

These have a tendency to kill bacteria, resolving the infection immediately. You will now think, “Better, right?”

Here, not exactly.

While this is undoubtedly beneficial, the problem with antibiotics is that they make subsequent treatment more difficult, because there is a risk of bacteria building up resistance.

So, is there an alternative?

The answer is D-mannose, and if you’ve never heard of it, I’ll explain how it works.

It is a plant-derived monosaccharide that prevents cystitis bacteria from remaining ‘anchored’ in the bladder walls. Just as when we use a little soap to slip a too-tight ring off our finger, in the same way these bacteria will slip off and be expelled during urination.

Unlike antibiotics, D-mannose does not attack the intestinal flora.

To learn more, discover our entire line available in single products or convenient kits, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

But before we leave you, let’s look at some tips to prevent a subsequent infection:

  • Drink plenty of water;
  • Always try to urinate after sex;
  • Always empty the bladder completely when urinating;
  • Do not hold back urination;
  • Avoid using scented soaps and bath products near the genitals;
  • Avoid consuming too much alcohol or coffee, as they can irritate the bladder;
  • In case of casual intercourse, have protected sex.

Read also: Cystitis and pink discharge: what does it mean if you notice blood in your urine?

In this article we talked about…

  • Cystitis is a bladder infection that affects most women, but also some men.
  • If you experience the first symptoms (frequent and painful urination, difficulty urinating, etc.) you should immediately contact your doctor to rule out the possibility of other conditions such as prostatitis or a kidney infection.
  • Dimann brand products promote the treatment and prevention of cystitis through natural ingredients that are fully respectful of the ‘good’ bacteria in the body.

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