Abacterial Cystitis, 27 Years old
Testimony of Alessandra - Abacterial Cystitis
Abacterial Cystitis 1  Year old
Kit Abacterial cystitis: acute phase and maintenance
Abacterial cystitis kit: prevention
Dimann Daily Tablets


Abacterial Cystitis, 27 Years old

I am a young career mom. For a year, I had constant discomfort and bladder pain that made me nervous around my son and in the workplace.

Urinalysis each time showed inflammation but no bacteria in the bladder. I didn’t know how or what to do.
I was really down in the dumps and not very confident because, then, I was taking antibiotics and D-mannose. I read that they worked for bacterial cystitis.

I really didn’t know where to turn.

One afternoon, while I was splitting my time to keep up with everything, I happened upon Dimann.com.
Since I didn’t have time to take a good look at the site, I immediately wrote to the girls telling my story. They listened to me and recommended Dimann Daily and Utistop.

I went to the pharmacy and, two days later, started following the treatment to the letter.

Thank you, because I am back to my life and smiling. Ttoday, I haven’t had a cystitis attack for 6 months!

Abacterial Cystitis 1 Years old
Kit Abacterial cystitis: acute phase and maintenance
Abacterial cystitis kit: prevention
Dimann Daily Tablets
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